I'm just getting started with the game..
...but I felt like I'd played enough to leave a review before I got lost in it. The only issue I've had so far is that the video seemed to lag behind the sound during the introduction scenes.
I kind of did a double-take, at the whole "killed the woman I loved" part in the beginning, because I was so sure that the words belonged to a woman, not a man. Then I happened to be in the menu and I read the bios, and I did a little dance of joy.
It's so uncommon to see such a relationship even mentioned in a game, and it's got me excited really. I'm interested in where the story goes. Usually I just play a game for one of two things, gameplay or story. Sometimes gameplay is lacking and I'll drag through for the story, and sometimes the story isn't there at all and the gameplay is fun.
In this case there's both.